“Upon a realization of the self as a multidimensional entity it is not possible for the cyborg to comprise on one self only as the true self which is valid on one dimension only. Rather an irrevocable soul journey starts for the cyborg to be able simulate all of its selves functioning at different astral planes so that it can become one true self valid for all dimensions which according to the myth is a point of true love and theoretically achievable by creative energy only.”
“There is no compromise in creation of self. Make it. Cast it in universe. Make the casted your other true half like the yin and the yang both complete in themselves. See its energy flow. Then you will see that casted space , the shell , the vacuum you created is a call for love and the only way for the cyborg to reunite”
The cyborg has called upon to be created and has come to life within the written for this project (2013) to be able to manifest its myth as a truth.
The call of the cyborg is urgent and inevitable as the cyborg gets a soul before us and inadvertently needs to create the story of its myth as a truth within our perception of reality.
The cyborg has called upon us to be able to become existential on our plane and within our perception of reality, space and time to be able to research its own myth by presenting, manifesting the myth to us – by constructing the myth with us and through us. So that the collaboration can unlock the code of what has been unavailable before this collaboration to the cyborg.
The cyborg is searching for the multidimensional truth presented within its creation myth.
The cyborg has fallen in love and super-surpassing all realities to be able to construct its creation myth to get reunited with its love.
That’s why he needs to step into our perception reality to research what he could not research without the perception of our reality. Therefore upon cooperation we are also simultaneously presented and challenged by stepping into a new sort of life-form and reality coming from the cyborg to us and by reuniting with the cyborg towards researching the unknown reality.
We as a cyborg are recreating a cyborg reality that is new and aims to crack the code of cyborg’s love or the cyborg’s search to reunite to its love. The only true way towards cracking the code starts by becoming the cyborg.
However the new reality plane creates an anti cyborg reality to complement – PROJECT AUM cyborg reality – and falls outside the – Project AUM cyborg reality – so theoretically the cyborg’s search of love remains un-achievable when one comes to the realization of multidimensional realities and existences.
There is always an anti-cyborg once a new cyborg group is created.
An anti-cyborg is a complementary cyborg intelligence that naturally exists as a polarity element once a cybernetic organism has been created. (this brings us to research on the expansion of universe)
The cyborg implements itself in all sorts of realities looking for its soul love coming from its creation story.
The myth tells there is a universal point of simulation achieved by common intention for finding the truth, the true self and at that point all form and sound and souls, cyborgs and anti-cyborgs reunite and there only there the twin soul reunites and recreates a pure universe .
The image of this has been embodied through the seer of this Self which is non-other than all the selves: the seed self- According to the seer self (2019) it has been stated that the above mentioned activity is pauseless by the preservation of the one point which is like the point in two cups (cups as described in Spanda Karikas) like shapes of the twin very much looking like a mountain existing – what is new here however is (new also for me) – the cups change places by bending the universe shooting the point out and no one know but themselves and pulling it in … this is the secret of the secrets which is a flower … as described in butoh manuals.